Crossfire Ministries is a worldwide platform where Spirit-filled ministers preach to those in attendance and within media reach that there is hope, help, and answers to their problems through Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Unlike the goals of other youth ministries, Crossfire’s mission - the Great Commission - depends solely on the working and operation of the Holy Spirit and the anointed preaching of God’s Word.
As a result, hearts and lives are changed. People of all ages are experiencing salvation, the baptism with the Holy Spirit, peace, joy, and deliverance from alcohol and drugs, anxiety, depression, drugs, and low self-esteem.
A Personal Letter from Pastor Gabe
Let me ask you this: What have you heard about the Lord? I ask because many of today’s lost and backslidden teenagers are being fed lukewarm messages inside of lukewarm churches. They are being dismissed by society as uncared for and hopeless. Unless they are presented with the gospel and given the opportunity to make a decision for Christ, these young men and women will die eternally lost. And that’s not what God wants. He loves them, and He loves you.
If this sounds too deep or too serious, that’s because it is. The gospel is not a game. Understanding Christ and Him crucified is what produces real change through Holy Spirit conviction and the repentance of sin. That is the real gospel of Jesus Christ—a message that leads to conviction, repentance, and produces true change.
If you, your family, or your friends desire this kind of change, then I personally invite you to experience a service at Crossfire, either in person or online. Worship with us and listen to the Word of God—the gospel of Jesus Christ has power to change hearts and lives. I can say that because I’ve seen it happen again and again.
At Crossfire, we preach, teach, and believe the Cross of Christ, and we have our faith firmly planted in what Jesus did for us at Calvary and realize that it is a finished work through His death, burial, and resurrection.
We believe that salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ and the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues allows the Lord to transform sinners into believers, comforters, counselors, edifiers, exhorters and helpers.
I hope that you’ll take me up on my offer and join us at Crossfire. In the meantime, know that we are praying for you and your entire generation.
Thanks for hearing me out,
Pastor Gabe