Standing Fast In Liberty

Galatians 5:1—“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Unless Christians would most often be found not experiencing true liberty, Paul would have been wasting valuable papyrus with this statement. Writing to actually saved people, Paul gives this command: “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.” The command is a present imperative: “Be ye standing.” It is a command of continuance (“Get standing, and stay standing, always”).

How do we do this? How does a Christian stand? How does a Christian remain consistent in his or her walk? Four times, the Word of God tells us that those who are saved are to live on a single principle—faith (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:7; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). Galatians 2:19-21 tells us how this works: that Christ lives in and through the believer as we maintain faith.

What kind of faith are we talking about? Romans 3:25 tells us that the object of our faith is “His blood.”

Colossians 2:12 tells us that we experience resurrection power through faith in the operation (effectual working power) of God, which, when compared to Romans 1:17 and 1 Corinthians 1:17-18, brings us right back to the Cross.

Colossians 6:9 and Romans 6:5 teach us that we remain in the very thing that brought us in to Christ—the sacrifice.

To summarize, we are to daily look to Christ and what He did at Calvary in order to stand in the very liberty that Christ has bought and paid for with His blood. This liberty is not a simple, weak, or partial victory; it is complete. “Not one hoof” of your life needs to remain in bondage! To quote Loren Larson, “Anyone and everyone can be free from anything and everything.” The key is faith in the Cross.

Perhaps equally exciting as the completeness of liberty that any person can live by faith is this simple truth: In order for the readers of Paul’s letter to the Galatians (that’s us) to obey the command of always standing fast in this liberty, it must be always, immediately available.

That means right now, in the middle of your struggle—in the middle of your bondage—you can be free from it. Just as the children of Israel were in slavery to the Egyptians one moment, and then walking out of Egypt laden with riches the next, you too can walk through the blood to total victory, and not one hoof shall be left behind.

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Adam became a product of Crossfire Youth Ministries in 2006. He attended <a href="" target="_blank">Jimmy Swaggart Bible College</a> and became an active part of Crossfire in 2010. After graduating in 2014, he became a volunteer minister for Crossfire, a <a href="">Crossfire Unite</a> Leader, and a teacher on SBN's "<a href="">Generation of the Cross</a>" with Gabriel Swaggart. Adam also contributes writings to the <a href="">Crossfire Blog</a>.

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