Crossfire Unite!
Last week we kicked off our very first night of Crossfire Unite! Crossfire Unite is a collection of fellowship groups that meets multiple times throughout the course of each month. The first meeting was a worship night held at one of our leader’s homes, and what we thought would be around 30 attendees turned into nearly 70! It was such a wonderful blessing as young people from Crossfire met and worshipped the Lord together. A young Catholic woman who came with one of our members shared her testimony with my wife, and she said that she had never experienced anything quite like what we experienced that night! The presence of the Lord was with us during this first meeting of Crossfire Unite, and we anticipate even greater things from the Lord as we move forward with our fellowship groups. On Friday, Sept. 8, we will be hosting our next fellowship at Premier Lanes Bowling Alley in Gonzalez. The cost for each individual is $15, which includes food, bowling, and other activities. We will meet at the bowling alley at 7 p.m., so if you live in Baton Rouge or the surrounding area, we hope to see you there!
Last week we began a discussion regarding the definition of a true biblical church. As I stated in that blog, we are living in an age where it is possible for a group of individuals who have a “spiritual idea” to come together, formulate an organization, and deem it a “church.” We must understand that not every organization that calls itself a church these days is actually a true Bible-based church.
So what exactly is “the church”? I want to stress very strongly that the Bible is the only resource that accurately explains to us what the church really is. The Greek word for church is ekklesia—ek meaning “out” and klesis, which means “a calling.” Together, the word literally means, “called out.” It originated in the Roman vernacular when citizens of a local town or village were called out of their homes into a public assembly to discuss important matters. The church, however, is different. We are not called out of our homes to a public assembly; we are called out of this world and into a body of believers—believers who have been born again through the work of the Holy Spirit.
The church is not a building built by man, but a supernatural body of believers who make up the body of Christ: “And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23). The church is not just a group of people who gather together in a building; it’s far greater than that—it is the sum total of all born-again believers all over the world.
Please check back next week as we continue our study on the church. And don’t forget about our upcoming Crossfire Unite events!
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